Privacy First: Which Crypto Exchange Does Not Report to IRS?

Here you will find out which crypto exchange does not report to IRS. Protect your personal privacy on cryptocurrency investments and don't break any tax laws.

Crypto Exchange that Does Not Report to IRS
Published on

February 6, 2023

The secrecy of transactions is a major issue for many investors in the rapidly changing world of cryptocurrencies.

In this post, we'll look into the topic of IRS reporting requirements for cryptocurrency exchanges and talk about what kinds of platforms and exchanges can give investors more privacy options, such as: 

  • Centralized exchanges
  • Decentralized exchanges
  • Crypto wallets 

Investors should be aware of which exchanges and platforms offer the most privacy because governments and financial organizations are becoming more interested in monitoring and regulating the use of digital currencies. 

Centralized Crypto Exchanges (CEX)

Centralized Crypto Exchange

The most commonly used sort of exchange in the cryptocurrency market is centralized crypto exchanges or CEXs. 

Users can purchase and sell cryptocurrencies using fiat currency or other digital assets on these platforms, such as Binance and Coinbase

It's crucial to remember, nevertheless, that CEXs must record transactions to the IRS following federal tax regulations. You must file a tax return if you utilize a CEX, therefore you must disclose any gains or losses. 

For investors, this can be a burden because they must accurately disclose all of their transactions on their tax returns and keep meticulous records of every transaction they make.

You can find the best exchange from all over the world that will fit you on our crypto exchanges page

IRS requirements for centralized exchanges

It's important to note that CEXs are only obligated to report to the IRS if they fulfill specific requirements. Digital currency exchange is required by the IRS to provide a Form 1099-K, Payment Card, and Third Party Network Transactions if it has:

  • More than 200 transactions over the year.
  • Received a gross volume of more than $20,000 from transactions during the calendar year.
  • Furthermore, CEXs must notify the IRS of any questionable behavior, including any transactions that might be connected to money laundering or other illicit acts.

CEXs vs Privacy: a risky trade-off for investors

Investors who respect their privacy may be concerned because CEXs must get personal identity information from their clients to comply with these requirements. 

The fact that CEXs are centralized means that there is a single point of control or authority that can be attacked by law enforcement or hackers, which is another drawback of employing them. 

If the exchange is compromised or the organization is required to be shut down by authorities, this might put the assets of investors in danger.

Decentralized Crypto Exchanges (DEX)

Decentralized Crypto Exchange

Decentralized crypto exchanges, or DEXs, are a newer type of exchange that operates on a peer-to-peer basis. Unlike CEXs, DEXs do not have a central authority or intermediary, and transactions are completed directly between users

Because DEXs are decentralized and do not have a central authority, they are not subject to the same IRS reporting requirements as CEXs. This means that if you use a DEX, you may have more privacy and control over your transactions.

The most famous and tested by time decentralized exchanges are Uniswap and Pancake Swap. Where users can trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies on different blockchains and swap them for stablecoins

Benefits of trading on decentralized exchanges 

DEXs are more private solutions for investors due to a few significant distinctions. 

  • First, as DEXs function on a peer-to-peer basis, users can transact with one another without the need for a central middleman. As a result, the IRS won't need to receive any personally identifiable data from you. 
  • Decentralized exchanges also eliminate any centralized authority or point of control that might be targeted by law enforcement or hackers.
  • DEXs often enable better control over one's assets, which is another advantage. 

Users have total control over their cash and can conduct transactions without requiring authorization from a centralized body because they own their private keys. This gives one more freedom and autonomy when managing digital assets.

DEXs drawbacks

The fact that DEXs often have lower trading volumes and liquidity than CEXs is one of the key problems with them. This may make it harder to find buyers or sellers for particular assets and may also result in deals with larger spreads and slippage. 

DEXs frequently have less user-friendly interfaces and might be more difficult for novice investors.

Another downside of DEXs is that they are typically built on top of blockchain networks, which can be prone to congestion and high transaction fees during periods of high demand. This can make it more expensive and slower to execute trades on DEXs compared to CEXs.

Crypto Wallets

Crypto Wallets

Utilizing a crypto wallet is another choice for preserving privacy in the realm of cryptocurrencies. 

Users can store and manage their digital assets using these digital wallets without the aid of a middleman

Ledger and Trezor are two well-known cryptocurrency cold wallets. MetaMask and Trust Wallet and the popular hot wallets. 

A hot wallet is a storage for crypto that is accessible from the internet and is therefore more convenient for everyday transactions. They can be in form of a web platform, mobile application, or browser extension. 

A cold wallet is a storage that is not connected to the internet and is therefore more secure for storing large amounts of cryptocurrency. Cold wallets are commonly represented in the form of hardware devices.

The term "hot" refers to the wallet being "connected" or "active," while "cold" refers to it being "disconnected" or "inactive."

Crypto wallets benefits in term of the IRS

Crypto wallets, like DEXs, give users more privacy and control while not being subject to the same IRS reporting obligations as CEXs.

Investors who use a crypto wallet have total control over their private keys, enabling them to conduct transactions independently of the approval of a centralized body. 

Furthermore, as transactions are conducted directly between users, no personally identifiable data must be gathered and submitted to the IRS.

It's important to note that the IRS has not yet released comprehensive instructions on how to record transactions conducted through crypto wallets, so it is crucial to speak with a tax expert for advice tailored to your tax position.


In conclusion, while CEXs are the most popular and widely used type of crypto exchange, they are also subject to IRS reporting requirements. On the other hand, DEXs and crypto wallets offer more privacy and control over transactions and are not subject to the same reporting requirements. 

Ultimately, it's up to each investor to weigh the pros and cons and decide which type of exchange or platform is best for their specific needs and investment goals. As always, it is important to consult a tax professional for specific guidance on your tax situation.

It's important to remember that while DEXs and crypto wallets may offer more privacy options, they also come with their own set of risks and challenges. Investors should carefully research and consider all options before making a decision on which platform to use. 

Furthermore, it's always important to stay informed on any changes or updates to regulations and guidance regarding crypto transactions and IRS reporting requirements. Our news page will help you to stay up to date. 

Hopefully, you now have an understanding of which crypto exchange does not report to the IRS and can choose the best fit for you. 


Will the IRS know if I don't report Cryptocurrency?

You have to fulfill Form 8938 to report on your crypto capital gains. If the deadline and extensions are passed and you didn’t report cryptocurrency in time, you will face extra fines and penalties. The IRS will know about your crypto gains if you use CEX, as it is required to report on the user’s activity. 

Can the IRS track cryptocurrency transactions?

Yes, the IRS track cryptocurrency transaction. Centralized exchanges are required to report through Form 1099-B about all user’s actions. Despite crypto being considered to be anonymous, it stores all transactions on the blockchain publicly. That way your trades on CEXs will be reported and on DEXs they can be traced. 

Can the IRS see my crypto wallet?

Yes, the IRS can see your crypto wallet. As transactions and assets are publicly recorded on the blockchain and accessible to everyone, they can be traced and connected with you. 

Will I get audited if I don't report crypto?

Are all crypto transactions reported to IRS?

You must report all crypto transactions to the IRS. Including income, gain, or loss. In the case of using CEX, the tax service will be reported on all of your activity by the exchange itself. In the case of using DEX, there will not be any report except your own. You should keep in mind that all crypto transactions and assets are traceable and can be connected to you. 

Do I have to report crypto if I didn't make money?

You have to report crypto even if you didn't make money.  All of your actions have to be reported. But if you bought cryptocurrency and sold it at loss or didn’t sell at all, you don’t have to taxes in that case. 

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